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THE SOUTH AFRICAN trucking industry was taken by
surprise when the Minister of Transport Dipuo Peters
issued a statement to the media a few months ago that
goods vehicles with a GVM exceeding 9 000kg would
be restricted from operating on public roads from 17h00
to 20h00 Monday to Friday and from 06h00 to 09h00
Monday to Friday. The Minister said her proposal was “in
response to the increase in the number of road carnage
that involves goods vehicles on the South African roads
(sic).” FleetWatch has reported on this in recent issues
but when the proposals were published in Government
Gazette No 38772, the DoT called for comment on
the proposed new amendments – which also includes
changes to the speed limits as well as the carrying
of passengers on bakkies and the renewal of driving
licenses. Among these proposed changes, FleetWatch
regards the issue around the restrictions on trucks as a
potential “national crisis”. It is not going to achieve the
Minister’s desired objective and the negative impact on
the economy and our future growth will be huge (Please
read the Editor’s Comment in this edition). The Road
Freight Association penned a detailed response to the
proposals and FleetWatch deems this issue so important
that we have given up a number of pages in this edition
to publish in full the RFA’s response. Also read Max
Braun’s comments starting on page 15. Do not ignore
this. Your future in transport – and the future of South
Africa as a whole – will be affected if this legislation goes
through. 4
Opinions that carry
weight A summary of responses from the
industry via the RFA to Regulations,
(Notice 411 of Government Gazette
38772 of 11 May 2015)
T he Road Freight Association is a non-profit,
voluntary membership based Association
representing both public and private road freight
operators. Below are comments from both members
and non-members with regard to the proposed
regulations - thus these comments reflect the opinion
of a vast number of road freight operators. The Road
Freight Association (RFA) hereby submits the following
comment with regard to the above gazette: